We’re a group of developers and experienced real estate business people who bring you our joint experience of decades in the field. We have built thousands of apartments and hundreds of commercial buildings around Israel, all of which are fully occupied. Amongst these successful developments were complex preservation projects that required our unique and professional expertise .​

,Netanel [Nani] Stern Partner

“Even after all the 1,000s of apartments we’ve built around the country, I still get excited anew every time at the opportunity to connect people’s dream and vision with the foundations of a new home.”

Turk Disi, Parner

“Complex engineering and impressive execution capabilities that we’ve proven in the last decades of work will never take the place of the human touch. I, first and foremost, see before me a person. Only then do I go ahead and build him a home.”

Ahron Merzbach, Partner

“Development starts with creative planning; business vision that begins with a firm foundation of a proven financial record. In order to create the perfect living experience — it all starts with the drawing of the first lines.”

Our human assets: Top industry experts in every field

All the power of our planning, engineering and execution experience comes together to successfully lead large construction projects from start to finish. Our financial backing and monetary safety net give you peace of mind throughout every phase.

Itay Hershkowitz


David Gilboa Esq

Urban Renewal

Azat Gauni

VP Engineering

Inat Barda

Planning Coordinator


AMIM GROUP is managed by a team of top financiers and accountants. Trusted by all leading banks and lending companies, AMIM enjoys excellent financial standing and security allowing it to manage large and complex projects. 

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